this thing has been fuckin' with me. he wants to fill his pool with rubber ducks looking for a date? walmart has the answer he drove his car into the dmv. that's right...into...and then renewed his license i guess this is cool... .extreme hacky sacking ... here.... tickle this girl they must know....right? if you're at work....close the door dick and jane pigtail and a video of as many japanese girls as possible trying to fit into a phone booth.....nekkid and seriously, what is up with injecting liquids into penises? why is that even an idea? hey, i had no idea half of those music links on the left were dead. how come you didn't tell me? ok i put some new ones up
disturbing these disturb me he disturbs me Holy Crap! He disturbs me even more! the idea disturbs me this art disturbs me this would disturb me if i was either one of these people games flick the nuts game bumperball let Darth Vader read your mind deviantart
it's been said by many people who have less interesting lives that the strangest and oddest things happen to or around me. in earlier posts i've documented some of the strange characters i've come across and some uncomfortable living situations. i think i also mentioned that i was not aware for years that things were happening like this until a girlfriend of mine pointed it out to me.
i suppose that's not entirely true...i house was staked out once and i was in a (albeit not a very fast one) car chase. so i'm aware that some of the things that happened are a little uncommon. i remember stealing loaves of bread and feeding a bunch of friends for a week. someone else stole some meat and we pitched in for 17 cent worth gasoline to start the grill with. i remember walking into random stores and talking people into giving me free stuff (usually food, sometimes cigarettes) i remember living off of the $20 worth of quarters i got from beating up a newsp...