apologies, and other nonsense

i would like to apologize for this lopsided site of mine...i had originally intended to have something over there to your right, but i'm a procrastinator and lazy so now you must suffer. i mean it...start suffering...now!

i've recently acquired a new job. my old one had worn through. it's not that the new one is worse than my last (not much could beat that crappy nonsense), there are people i know who haven't worked there in years who still harbor much hatred for the general manager who ran the joint*.
i just think that this new one is not really a good match for who i am.

that said...the other day i was on the phone assisting a potential client....heh...who was having a rather rough day, apparently. we were discussing her husband's occupation, which was a construction worker who "you know erects those things in the highway...those things...what are they called....those erections" she proceeded to repeat the word "erections" five or six more times. at first i hadn't realized what was happening in my earhole as i was entering data. i caught on a split second/one erection sooner than her. boy....that was a weird freudian moment.

today i encountered someone named Spring A Wood.

what cruelty.

*"i want to put him in a cage and poke him with sharp sticks" -kim


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