it's hot as fuck here

that's twice i've said that tonight but all but one of you will only see it once. most of you may not even see it that many times.

so i've just finished watching Garden State, and i'm glad i got it. i've a weak spot for these types of movies. plus...they mention the Shins quite often which of course is a good thing. they have a very cool name.

so....i know that i need to visit other's blogs more often to expect others to come here, but for some reason i just don't seem to find myself with the time and most blogs are blocked at work. which bites because i'm not accomplishing much of anything with this time.
years ago i took a creative writing class. and as you can see i got fuck all out of it. the teacher used the class to line his pockets by making his books required reading for the class even though we never once used them. this is how he ran the class. he gave us assignments, all of which were to write didn't matter. we would then read said assignments out loud in class. perhaps we were meant to begin critiquing each other but the truth was that noone in that class could write dick. there was one guy who was amazing but that was it.
i don't mean it to sound like boasting because it isn't, but i know i wrote better than 99% of the class. but other than a few "i like this line" "this is a nice turn of phrase" blah blah blah...i really didn't learn anything to better myself. and right now i'm realizing what i missed out on because i can't get past my current level of writing.

so my point, for those of you who have read through the above and landed at this final paragraph, please feel free to offer any constructive criticisms, i would appreciate it. i might bite your head off if i disagree with you but don't let that stop you. do i lure more people here......hmmmmm


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