another day at the office

As I sat down and prepared to begin the long process of absorbing nutrients out of my 99 cent pot-pie, freshly bombarded with microwaves, I began to glean understanding of the inner workings of the 'office' mentality. I've long said that I feel out of place where I work, that I don't identify with the people around me. That beyond small talk, I have little or nothing to say to most everyone there. I don't possess the 'ambition'/'kiss ass ability' to excel in this environment. But I digress.
As I dug my plastic utensil into the crust of my savory and delicious pot-pie one of my co-workers said to another, "What is that?" Pointing an inquistive yet mildly accusing finger at the mush lying in his tupper-ware.
"Hamburger Helper," he responded. In fact, if you were to ask him that question on any given day his answer would always be "Hamburger Helper".
"Beef stroganoff," he embellished a little more.
"You always have the weirdest lunches," she replied.

Ok, wait a minute. He has Hamburger Helper, every day, EVERY day, and yet, he has "the weirdest lunches." WHAT?
Now, sometimes I come in with some left-over Indian food, or maybe Thai food or even some homemade Chinese food. I can understand if someone were to say that to me, I don't agree, but I can understand. It's come to my understanding that beyond the "On the Border" style Mexican, take-out Chinese, and the rare Hibachi/Sushi, most of the people around me never stray from their daily flavours. They can't stomach the curry, or various other "exotic" spices. So, ok, maybe that is a bit beyond the grilled cheese, chef salad, hot dog and hamburger fare. But, come on! Hamburger Helper can by no stretch of the imagination be considered "out of the ordinary".

Just the other week, one of my co-workers asked me if I had any plans. My only real plans were to meet up with some friends in "the City" and have some ethiopian food. Noone had ever had ethiopian food. Most would not ever try it. But, in my short time there I have managed to obtain the guy with the "weird" life status. And this without knowledge of me beyond having a tree fall on my car, having had a crackhead roommate, and a few details about one of the girls I used to date. They don't know that I was once in a car chase, or that I once hid from police buried under a pile of leaves in the woods, or the candy cane incident. They don't know the weird things strangers have said to me, the close encounters with the supernatural or that some of my friends video tape each other having sex.

So there you have it, I don't watch American Idol and I don't bet on sports. I'm the office weirdo. Not the office pariah mind you, that would be my cube-mate. She who has loud boisterous reactions to things she says to herself.


kim said…
Your coworkers suck. Don't you just want to stab them with screwdrivers sometimes? I would. I had a coworker happily exclaim that if the patients went to bed soon we could watch Oprah. Yes!!! I mean No.... Whenever anyone discusses Ethiopian food, I think to myself, "Aren't they starving?" regardless of the irrelevance. I have an Ethiopian refugee as a patient right now and he is adorable. Keep on keeping on Shin.
L said…
okay, now I'm hungry
Sara said…
I think that "you're weird" response to common things like Hamburger Helper (i.e., things that actually are not uncommon) is another manifestation of small talk, as in that person doesn't really mean it but doesn't know what else to say. Playful and meaningless antagonism to stir up conversation. Maybe.
glomgold said…
I think if that coworker responded with an "mMMMmMM" Frankenstein's monster style grunt, it would amount to the same thing. Sara I agree with you though b/c, c'mon, there can be no one in the US who actually thinks Hamburger Helper is weird right?
I guess that is why they DON'T keep screwdrivers around in an office.
Mr Anigans said…
kim- ok, i'm keeping on. what?

l- ha! it was the hamburger helper wasn't it?

sara- or maybe she was just asking for a slap upside the dome piece.

glom- i think i'll try the frankenstein grunt next time
L said…
it was totally the Hamburger Helper :)
kim said…
Shin - This is 48 hours of finals-induced delirium talking... Apparently I thought 6 topics in one paragraph made sense. Not so much I guess. I do enjoy your office tales though.
I agree with Sara, the comment was meant to be slightly controversial and provoke discussion.

The sad part is if you came in every day with a McDonald's cheeseburger, no one would say a word.

Hamburger Helper rocks.
Webmiztris said…
oooh, hamburger exotic! maybe tomorrow he'll bring in a Swanson TV Dinner! I've always been the office weirdo too. Not because of what I eat. Just because. :)
MiCheleLynnX said…
Dude, just knowing that you've experienced all these "crazy" things that they'll never know about you b/c they have the personalities of cardboard is enough to make me feel elit...relax, you probably have more personality and excitement in your pinky finger than they do in their entire body, and their lame attempts at conversations are lame attempts to just connect with another human being so it's really just sad. So see? People look at me like I am some kind of a foo foo bitch but they'd never know I use to run heavy equipment when I was 18 and I faced off with a few big men b/c I refuse to take shit...they'd never know it b/c now I am a nurse now and I am a 4 foot 11 blonde. The cover doesn't always tell the tale. I have done many more things than that of course, but whose talkin? I would like to know about your supernatural experiences though, are they on your blog???
Mr Anigans said…
echele - somewhere in here there are posts about a few various things. it's possible i've deleted them though in hopes of keeping pedophiles from coming by.

also, a warning, if you go sifting thru the archives be aware i went through a garish color scheme for a time and the font may blind.

perhaps i will recap some items.
Number Mouth said…
mmmmm, ethiopian food.

ps, I love that dog up there that walks like a people. So hot.
cupcake said…
Tomorrow for lunch bring in a live goat. Slaughter it with a plastic fork, then stick it in the microwave with a Smartones. Cook for 10 minutes - then see what that bitch says. You'll probably walk away the office "Freak" as opposed to the office "werido."

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