
ever drop your soap in the shower and catch it again? i did. i'm very proud.

and here's some things you might like to see

buddhist sand art
midget kiss cover band
tree house
"it was romantic but..."
2-legged dog (this is tripped out)
lots of coincidences
don't hate me

also, for some time now i've been getting a increasing number of hits daily from people looking for odd pernography because of links i used to have up.
barbie, video game, furryesque. you know, whatever.

but to the guy looking for 11 yr olds. i don't know how you got here, but please feel free not to return.

addendum, so i just checked again and someone was looking for 6 yr olds so i deleted an entire months worth of blog posts in hopes that will be the end of it.


kim said…
How do you check what people are looking for that end up at your blog?
Mr Anigans said…
if you look to the bottom of my side bar you'll see an icon there that sort of looks like saturn. it's a link to it tracks things like search items that have landed people at your site.

i was curious a while ago so i set it up. i still get people coming by looking for bodybuilding midgets.
{illyria} said…
bodybuilding midgets. there's some weird internet population out there.
Mr Anigans said…
i meant,

trans- yeah, there certainly is
MiCheleLynnX said…
Yea, that's disturbing...I got hits once b/c someone was looking for girls't know what that was about or how it even came up...but I am not that puter savvy either...
Number Mouth said…
baba sexy...she's my hero. i need to make a video like that of me, hawt.

also...that thing to ever happen to me in my life today.
Mr Anigans said…
heh, glad to here it. hi alli
Number Mouth said…
hi handsome
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