Damnit! There's no heat in my house......AGAIN!!!

This week it was once again brought sharply to my attention that I come from a different planet than those that share my cubicle filled world. As I gathered my pastas and meats and sauces into a paperish receptable in preparation for my daily feasting I made a quick decision to have lunch with some of my co-workers. It's not that I dislike those that share my lunch-time but sometimes I like to read instead spewing banalities back and forth. There's really only so much I can not say about weddings and bridal showers and dresses and such. You may have caught on to the skewed ratio of men to women....and while normally this would be considered a good thing (say if one was shallow and superficial.....), as far as I can tell there are only two attractive women there. This seems like it's an odd balance. I've always assumed that in any given group there would a certain percentage of people that are easy on the eyes and a certain percentage of people that make you taste last nights dinner again from a new perspective and most would fall into that grey area between the two. The scales, however, seem to tip toward the ugly. Either genetics has bent physical attractiveness to help curb the overpopulation problem or I simply have different tastes.
Now that I've dragged you along this tangent let me bring you back to the point at hand. I do not live in the same world as these people. First, is the fact I could care less about what is going on with Britney and her (husband? boyfriend?) I really can't be bothered to waste any of my time trying to figure out why it is that way. This was a difference that I had noticed right off the bat when I first started this job. But....the other day the group of people I was with began going on about how they love cops, firemen.... typical beefcake calender fare. I didn't know this was real. I thought it was just an idea used in tv sitcoms. Most of the people I know scowl at the idea of cops. Almost none of them would ever consider going to one for help. Everyone there was surprised that I knew what the back of a cop car looked like. One lady even told me that in her 30 years of life she was pulled over for the first time last month! Imagine!! I figure I've been pulled over somewhere between 80 to 100 times so far in my life. 75% of those times I was frisked!
And I'll bet not a single one of them has ever muttered the phrase "There's no heat in my house.....AGAIN!"


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