3 blog posts in one week?!? I know! What the fuck?!?

so i was over at glomgolds house of love (love of cops, magazine customer service and orange cleaner)

and was inspired to compile a list of things i've been pulled over for.

no full stop at a stopsign (backroads, 2:30am)
speeding (40 in a 35)
speeding (98 in 55, 2 more seconds i would have been off the highway, 2 seconds earlier he would have nailed me at 120 in a 55)
improper lane change (2 nights into my owning a license, didn't know cops didn't follow speed limits and tried to switch lanes into him)
failure to signal (at a fork in the road, i was going straight/right)
highbeams in on coming traffic (after midnight, backroads and i turned them off as soon as i saw headlights coming the other way)
left rear wheel cut over the corner of one of the double yellow lines while making a left
making a suspicious left turn (yep)

after that i stopped paying attention for two reasons
1) my friends and i were getting pulled over on average 14 times a week.
2) it was all one cop (except for the speeding on the highway)

oddly after i moved out of that town i've been pulled over 2 times in 12 yrs. once the guy pulled me over, sat in his car for 3 minutes, then left. no idea what that was about.


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