Here's some bellyaching.


Whoa, I just magically turned all of my words into 2 p's. weird.

Hell hath no fury like the IRS scorned. What I mean is this, the IRS is like a little financial parasite. Only not so little. STOP TAKING MY MONEYS LIKE I HAVE SOME!!!! Apparently, due to an oversight I owe a vast sum of money. By vast I mean more than pocket change and less than my potential lottery winnings.

So one of these days I mean to post some photos of the various 'gifts' I've been gifted throughout the years. There are some gems in here and you will all be so jealous. This year I got me a nice bone and bamboo mahjong set. Love me some mahjong! Anyone wanna come over and play? I'll be glad to teach ya.

For the passing of one year to the next I celebrated by having my cranium disintegrated and alternating between freezing and sweating. It was a good time had by all. Thanks to those of you who stopped by and wished me happiness. I will be visiting you all shortly.

I am always amazed by the quantity of snot my body can generate in such a small amount of time. I think I managed to thoroughly dehydrate myself the other day entirely through my sinuses.

I hope you enjoy that image.


Snot is a wondrous substance, but from whence does it come? How do it get there?

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