woohoo!!!! look who's back!!*

And to begin with, I will give the requisite gripe about work that, let's face it, those of you who have good jobs use to reaffirm this fact. Because, really, how can you honestly compare your job to one that has a tv show dedicated to it or has been circulated through e-mail ad nauseam (ie. a job where you run the risk of having a jelly fish sucked through a tube into the crack of your ass.) My job is a soulless lifeless job. This attracts a certain type of person. And they have, in all their stereotypical goodness, landed into the cubicles surrounding me.

We will return to this momentarily. For now I am here to tell you that this post contains a purpose. And this purpose is what gives life to this paragraph. I need help. On several matters. So, if you kind folk could see it in your hearts to lend a hand I would be eternally grateful. And by eternally, I mean until you've forgotten about it.

I have a passion for the arts. Specifically music, but I have at the very least a passing interest in most media. Which is to say, the plural of medium, not necessarily the tv/magazine/movie definition. And if it pleases you feel free to sift through the multitude of definitions for 'medium'
to find which one I mean. That said, my job contains not a single aspect of this passion.

Now, while it may seem non sequitor I'm going to tell you about my new phone. I am now the hesitantly proud owner of a Samsung SCH-a870 flip phone with a camera slapped into it. My recently previous phone has developed a voracious appetite for battery life. It can completely suck that precious juice from a full battery in less than 24 hours of non-use, or 2 hours, whichever comes first. So it was decided by committee that a new phone was needed. After much research I settled on the Samsung SCH-a870. It seemed to have the highest rating in this price range. Until you read some of the user reviews.

Now that I have this phone I decided I should do some more hands on research and started calling people. Thus far I've discovered that 40% of the calls seemed really choppy but the persons on the other end of these calls all said that they were in an area of bad reception. Another 40% of these calls were crystal clear. Everyone in this category happens to be a Verizon customer like myself. And the final 20% were clear on my end but told me that I sounded choppy or as if I was distorted and run through a delay pedal.

Here is the first favor I ask. Does anyone want to talk to me and help me continue with my research?

Continuing with the tale of newly acquired phone. I mentioned that it had a camera did I not? So I felt I should include that in my research. Upon coming to this decision I decided to snap a picture of my horribly handsome mug. But who to send this to? Now there happened to be one person I could think of that I knew for certain could receive photos via cell phone. I decided not to send it only because of self doubt, paranoia and history. We hadn't spoken for some time so it was a surprise to me when I got a call from her just two hours later asking me to send of photo of myself. Well, how about that, I says to myself. The reason why she asked for a photo? Let's move onto favor number 2.

She is currently working on a film in the upper reaches of New York. That is 7 hours away by her speedy ass's account. Essentially, she was asking for a slipshod headshot to see if I might want to be an extra. The problem? I have a job. While I certainly wouldn't miss anything more than a paycheck if I lost it, I hesitate to do anything to jeopardize it. Cuz that paycheck, while meager let's me buy bacon. The shooting schedule may require I leave for days at a time which I will have to use in personal or sick time (they crush what's left at the end of the year to nothing) I have vacation time, but that needs 2 weeks notice and since the shooting dates are not a definite set time I can't really plan this ahead of time. Two other points to make. 1) I will not get paid for this, this will not further any career goals I have (heh..) 2) My job has been firing someone every week and a half this year. The bottom's falling out and corners are being cut and rat's are jumping ship and any other cliche you can fit in here. So...what should I do?**

See how I bought this full circle (ah...chock full of cliches today!!) right back to my crappy job?

And just to tag another favor on here. Does anyone know where I can find "hard to find" or underground International cd's? Scratch amazon cuz I already checked there. Specifically I am looking for this band, Crystal Lake's album Dimension on Imperium Recordings. (not to be confused with the white power label of the same name.) Before you click that link, know that it is hardcore/metal and very heavy, so if that type of music irritates your bowels...get some diapers before you listen. They're Japanese and if could read Japanese i would go to the Imperium website and order several other cd's by the likes of Loyal to the Grave, Birthplace, At One Stroke.

*still haven't heard back from them blogger folks but thanks to my trusty Firefox browser i was able to find my password and make it work!

**I am also very shitty at getting jobs. I don't have a knack for it.


L said…
holy shit! you're back!

not sure how to help you on the music , but I have a friend who might know
Mr Anigans said…
please. i have a list of about 15 cd's i can't find from japan, sweden, france, germany and poland. will probably be more once i expand my search out of this genre.
Hm, Try http://www.recordsbymail.com/

and I'll send you another one

still looking for my master index of music sites - I'll let you know, but this one is pretty great
I'm always getting 45s from 1963 and like that on here
Mr Anigans said…

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