take no offense...

what is the word that defines the ability to pick up on others emotions? is it 'empathy'? 'Sensitivity'? whatever it is, i need to get rid of it. i need to chuck that and 'conscience' right out the window. while i'm assessing my intangibles i might as well amp up my psychic abilities. because, although being aware that someone is upset with you and distancing themselves and not understanding why is the shit, i am totally lying to you.

i have somehow, inexplicably, accumulated a substantial amount of syllables in one sentence. also, i have gathered around me a large number of people who's behaviors confound me. that two of them are ex-girlfriend's who have a great capacity to consistently tell me something and act accordingly, and by accordingly i mean just the opposite, must say something about me. i'm sure if i kept in touch with a couple others they might also be doing the exact same thing. am i drawn to this kind of bullshit? am i my own antithesis?

examples, including those from the afore mentioned exes but not limited to. why go out of your way to tell me that we need to get together and then proceed to avoid getting together? now, once or twice, not too much concern there but if that is the only communication you have with me, why bother? if you happen to be reading this...don't worry, you're not the only one. why call me only to tell me that you will call me back? it's not as if i called you first. seems to me there's an unnecessary step in this exchange of nothing, that being my answering the phone. why initiate and make extensive plans that include several people to be the one that backs out at the very last minute? all of these things by themselves are not so much an issue but when they become the defining characteristic of your personality, something that you can count on, something guaranteed...well, it makes me want to punch the air and scream in celebration.

and just to keep this current. why extend the hand of friendship only to withdraw it the next day? and then extend it once more the following day?

i'm beginning to feel like a leper. only i haven't dropped any body parts in my soup.


alcholic poet said…
great blog. you should do it more.
Mr Anigans said…
thanks! maybe i will.

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