dribbling drivel

With the increasing frequency of his DSL connection's disfunction, he was unable to focus his energies into the task at hand. It was an important task, one that needed attention. Much was riding on it. But without access to the internet nothing could be done. It was as though the gods had begun in earnest to thwart him.
The weight of his daily routine weighed upon him in such a way that it had a supernatural quality to it. He became subdued, reticent. His life laquered with complacency. If only access to this ethereal world was made readily available things would be different. It's reach was beyond that of any one god and everyone knew that the gods would not work together. Crom!

Ah...the gibberish bleeding from these lips. See these discordant words and hear them flower darkly in your mind. I am wretched you see. Bilking time, lifting moments from your pocket.

And now I will give you a haphazard movie review.
First on the docket, a little thing called Born to Fight. This gem was farted out by the guys who did Ong Bak. If you have no interest in a story but love seeing people doing ridiculous stunts this is made just for you. The story is a slipshod piece of junk patched together and glued with cliche so thick I could taste it. But then I saw the guy drive a motorcycle full speed into a wall and launch himself through a burning building to land on the far slope of a hill, SOLD! The stunts in this movie flittered between 'so fantastic that I could feel my bones break in sympathy' and 'awe inspiring cheese'. I won't give any spoilers for anyone who will be watching this straight through. my recommendation is to simply keep you thumb poised above the FF and REW buttons on your remote.


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