Message to Harry Manback

Karma is a shiny piece of candy behind a glass case and I'm a perpetual kid.

Earlier I had frothed myself into good round of cursing over the amount of douche bags that I see on a daily basis. In fact it had worked itself into a nice little post. Let's give an example shall we? Say it was dark out and it was pouring rain....I know I know random speculation but bare with me for a moment.... now imagine one of these aforementioned asshats is on the road with you. Yeah, that's right, I'm talking about you (jersey plate PJN-37A)! The one riding my ass and flashing your high beams because the handicapped driver in front of me wasn't going fast enough for you! That's right dick bag, the one that jumped over the double yellow lines into oncoming traffic to get around us. Ahem, well, I was wishing ill of him...see...but later I realized my life has been shitty enough that I didn't need to exacerbate things and bring some karmic return on my ass. So I don't really wish ill of him but I suppose that I could tell you that the thought had crossed my mind that I would laugh heartily over him when he folded his car around a tree and turned himself into a parapalegic but his arms were free for him to jerk off his shrivelled dead dick but the only thing that would accomplish would be to yank out his catheter. But I don't really wish that. Not really. Also, I'm glad you, Mr PNJ-37A, learned how to work your horn, because I'm positive that helped make the light change faster. Positive!

sigh.....this is also the same reason I didn't slip a pack of steak-ums between the mattress and box spring of the crackhead before I moved out. (those plus one suit and a jug of pee were his only possessions.) stupid karma

ps.... if anyone happens to accidentally slip into my archives i would like to apologize for the awful colored text. blame it on hallucinagenics or the encouragement of a pretty lady.


Xeokym said…
well I guess you could've looked at it like you were doing the guy a favor, leaving him some delicious snacks before you left, and was it your fault he didn't notice the steak-ums until they went bad and starting eminating the odors of a dead carcass? But I guess you can't fool karma. Or whoever doles out the karma. Or however that works.
Mr Anigans said…
yeah, that's the tricky thing about karma

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