some thoughts i had today included:

What the heck? Why is everything on my screen blue?
I wonder who will cut the grass.
X-files rocks.
and finally,

i'm a hard worker, it's pretty much accepted by everyone i've worked for and worked with. i've earned my bonuses (which to date is the monetary equivalent of umm...say about $150, give or take a few tax dollars....yeah...i know) so, where was i....oh right, i work hard and i'm good (for the most part) at what i do. now, while i don't particularly like him i'm sure tom cruise also works hard and he's very good at what he does, which is essentially, well...act like tom cruise. (don't tell me you haven't noticed that he plays the same character in every movie) but i look at my $150 in bonuses and compare it to the $100,000,000 he made for acting in War of the Worlds and well....i see an imbalance here. i know his supporters will point out things like he bought coffee for the crew. what's that about .000002% out of his pocket. i could give a penny to everyone i work with. maybe they'll view me as generous and wonderful guy. "he even went to the effort of going to the bank to change those $3 to pennies."



Anonymous said…
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
glomgold said…
Coffee for the crew. Whatta guy! He deserves a $20 mil home in Malibu I do say.

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