i was just at Wendy's eating a healthy meal of frescata club sandwich and baked potato when i looked out the window from my 2 feet of table space and saw someone get out of his truck and walk across the parking lot to throw his trash out. nothing odd there. perfectly natural and possibly even environmentally concious. but then when he got back to his truck he threw his cup out of the window into the parking lot.

why would he even bother pretending the first time?


MiCheleLynnX said…
Ya know, this has bothered me so bad lately. People that litter.

My response to this would have been way to long, so I posted about it and linked your post!
MiCheleLynnX said…
Ok, I tried but blogger went down for maintenance last night as I was trying to post but it is up now...that is, I am assuming you are interested in my post...lol....
Mr Anigans said…
thanks for thw plug

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