today, yes made me wish i was smoking again. but due to this inexplicable want for some sort of anonymity i will forgo (forego? it doesn't look right. what the fuck is wrong with this word?) explanations, that and my boss seems like the kind of guy who would fire you for talking about the workplace. some of you may have noticed that i have cleverly avoided any details about where i work with the exception of the halfwits i work with and the cubicles. god the cubicles, how i dream of rending them in a hulkish fury. and since i'm a creature of habit i will stick with this formula.

today i heard someone mocking a (client? customer? poor sap who's money is being fleeced right out the pocket for items sold, services rendered, the pleasure of our company?) for using the word 'expediate' instead of 'expedite'. what a fool, 'expediate', laughs all around. apparently, we're all a lot smarter than those quarterwits we deal with.


holy crap, as of this posting he's been playing for 1 day 8 hrs 26 minutes
(warning, this resized my window....who knows what it will do to you.)
commercial (learn english, you need sound, and it might not be work safe)
ummmm.......(not work safe?)
this is cool....liquid armor


glomgold said…
Someone in the supermarket was looking to buy band-aids but in fact, purchased a different brand of flexible disposable plastic bandages instead! What a dumbass!
MiCheleLynnX said…
I heard someone use the word discriminate instead of incriminate.

They said: I don't want to discriminate myself instead of saying - I don't want to incriminate myself.

That's gold.
Anonymous said…
Where did you find it? Interesting read »

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