Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow

Years ago I lived in a dank dark basement that had artificial turf that did a poor job of pretending to be a carpet. And while I have a lot of good memories associated with said basement, there are two that really I could do without. One was that my iguana (the most hateful creature on this and any other plane of existence) died. His name was Gureau and we named a song after him on our cd. His dying isn't the bad part of the memory. The bad part had to do with a dinner date I had with a beatiful girl, or lack thereof. Since he died we thought maybe we should bury him in the backyard. Which we did, the services were very nice, we said a few kind words and expected him to claw his way to the surface, through the earth and stone, defying death itself to take one last bite out of my flesh transferring his undead lizard ways into my bloodstream......oh, sorry.
So there I was cleaning out his tank and the bastard somehow managed to put me into the hospital. So instead of delicious chinese food with a beautiful lady, I ended up sucking on a tank of oxygen with a room full of sick people. And then my health insurance f@$ked me and wouldn't pay for it because of some odd clerical error on the part of the hospital. This dragged on for months with me calling either the hospital or the insurance company just about everyday until a collection agency showed up and told me I was going to burn in credit hell.
Why is this relevant right now? Why when I haven't even had them for health coverage in 5 months is this on my mind? Well lets, see, turns out I just got me a $192 bill for services rendered (FROM LAST YEAR) that they won't be paying for me. See, how nice.

The other poor memory is this; One dark and stormy night, the basement began filling with water. I decided I would move some of my electronic equipment upstairs to ride out the tempest. The room and I had an altercation and it struck me in the back with the floor. I was literally laid up for about a week as I was unable to turn my head left or right without the legion of demonic minions coming to dance on my shoulders with sledgehammers. True I recieved some nice pain killing drugs but they were just not strong enough to make it comfortable to exist.
The relevence of this to today? Why is this memory tormenting me now? Well, since that day, every-so-often my back will decide to relive this pain for a few days. As if my muscles recorded this pleasant sensation to play back to me so I can relish my days of no back pain. Only now....I haven't any nice little pills to help me forget about it. >sigh<


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