Here's the Beef

my beef with computers....

not so much my computer, but my dvd drive (it seems to have crapped out) and my DSL connection (well it just sucks) and pop-ups....

ok thats it

onto other things....

i've just recently picked up some goods....a couple of books by this China Mieville (you'll just have to imagine the accent ague , or is it grave? over the e in 'mie' cuz i'm too lazy to try to figure out how to get it to show up by tweaking code) i'm a quarter of the way into the first book "Perdido Street Station" pretty good...i've even had to keep a dictionary handy to keep up with this guys vocab. ie. dirigible, sortilege, thaumaturgy, bathetic, sedition, termigant.... some of these words i recognized but couldn't remember the definition. can't wait to finish it and read what he's got in the next book The Scar. it talks about a lady who committed infanticide, so her punishment was to have the kids arms grafted to her head so she would always remember her crime.

also i picked up the last RJD2 cd. good stuff, don't know how to categorize it. it might be in the same family as portishead or radiohead or someother head. i also got me the Terror cd. some good old school sounding hardcore with new school guitar breakdowns. oh yeah and some Orff Carmina Burana. it's on Deutsche Grammophon so it should be good.

i better sign off before the dsl goes again.


glomgold said…
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glomgold said…
Sorry, last post got scrod.
Ampersand pound 233 will give you the ol' accent ague. And no pop-up this time on IE; maybe it's gone for good.

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