what's up? my ire!

i did a little researching and my conclusions are that New Jersey has some of the crappiest highways around. granted there are about 40 states i haven't tried out yet. up until recently my least favorite highway around was rt 18 near New Brunswick. i used to live on rt 18 and to get anywhere i had to sit in traffic for about 10-20 minutes. it didn't matter what time of day or night, there was traffic at 3 am for crissakes! but now it's been replaced. while rt 18 means driving at an avg of 4 mph, the likelihood of someone coming careening out of nowhere into your car is slim. the new winner is RT 22! who ever designed this godawful road needs to be emasculated in as brutal manner as can be done. who designs a highway where all the major exits happen in the left lane? who designs a highway where there are constantly people popping out of the left side of the highway while your speeding your way across to the left lane to get to your exit?

in conclusion however i'd like to elucidate on my ire. whilst going to sam ash to pick up a mic stand i was driving (in the left lane) and some jackass not only pulls out suddenly into the left lane, he decides to stop. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. the problem is now he's stopped up traffic in the left lane (where all the exits are) and so everyone has switched over to the next lane over. except me because he pulled out suddenly and caught me off guard and now i can't get over. ok....a nuisance but not life threatening. right after that another jackass decides he is not going to look at all before he comes into my lane doing about 40-50mph. i caught him out of the corner of my eye and swerved off the road to avoid having my roommate and my new car fused into one entity. my main beef is that once he realized what he was doing, he continued anyway.

so here's my thought. if your shitty driving threatens my well being or anyone in my veh, i should have every right to put my tire iron through your windshield.

i will be working with the government if Vespuccia to have this written in as law.


Anonymous said…
I agree with you on the roads in New England. I live in W.Leb, NH and the roads are awful. I'm always borking up my car's alignment on the numerous potholes. also not to mention there are the asshole drivers, too.
Mr Anigans said…
hi thanks for coming by....the potholes in hoboken used to tear cars apart.

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