the end

if you're interested you can start here...1 2 3 4 5 6. otherwise....I hid some links in here.
We watched as the horizon came and swallowed our way home. I would never see them again and they hold only a small space in me that is dripped onto this circuitry, this parchment. The bothersome aspects of concern and worry had their edges blunted and never pierced me. I suspected the girls would help us out, otherwise we would have found our way home regardless. It's been some time since I've been that carefree.

-As I've taken these electric blips of memory and turned them into words I've noticed a vast difference in how I once looked at and lived life, and how I presently cope. Perhaps the veneer has been rubbed off as the years passed over it. In time I saw that beauty is not what I had thought, I learned the intangiblity of dreams. The system of values that I've clung desperately to are nigh impossible to find. And yet, everyone agrees with them. But....I'm rambling now.-

There was no hesitation from Dawn. It was hardly a question, partially a suggestion and then Fess and I found ourselves in the girls' car. Fess had to burrow his way through clothes and debris to nest himself in the backseat. The girls, we discovered, lived out of their car. They even had a pet mouse named Zactly. Dawn pulled me into the passenger seat with her. It was a cozy little moment.

Nuzzling up to me Dawn whispered pretty words into my ears. With her arms wrapped around me, the warmth of her breasts pressed against me, I fell asleep. Somewhere between awake and awake again she left a mark on my wrist.

-As we roll up on the end of my story I feel I should mention two things. Firstly, Fess's lady's-man status. Through the earlier years of highschool many girls flocked to him. There was a tendency for them to somehow include me, as if I was part of the package deal. Stories lay embedded in here, but not for today. It became almost expected for the ladies to be drawn to him and then after the prettiness wore off, to come calling on me. Secondly my father's propensity to lock the door on me. An unspoken rule had been instated during this time. If I hadn't made it home by whatever time my father latched and locked the door, I would need to find a place to sleep on my own. These things were accepted.-

A low flying cloud had situated itself in our town. As I was slumbering, it was up to Fess to navigate. He tumbled out of the backseat and into his house which ended my nap. I woke up and found myself on Dawn's lap, arms still wrapped around me.

It was well into morning, maybe nine or ten. We were parked in front of my house, the car door was open, I was sitting in the lap of a beautiful girl who was close to committing something statutory and giving another beautiful girl a goodbye kiss. In the farthest corner of peripheral, I glimpsed my father framed by the doorway, looking out at me. What fiery thoughts brewed upstairs I could only guess and when I looked, he was gone.

The girls bid me farewell, Kris asked for Fess's phone number. "Who cares!" blurted Dawn. A smile ripped it's way across my face. I didn't mean it but I'd never heard him burned before. I gave it anyway. Dawn had my number already and we parted ways. It didn't occur to me that I would never see them again, but I suppose it wouldn't have changed anything if it had. She called me twice before turning me into a memory.

I spent the last few hours of my story banging on the front door.


L said…
sounds like it was worth it, though
Mr Anigans said…
it was good enough that over 15 yrs later i still remember it fondly

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