Are you on the pot?

"Are you on the pot?" This was the noise that would enter our ears were we to do anything perceived as odd. And most of what we did was. It always brought to mind some vague imagery of ignorance from the Reefer Madness era. I'm sure it probably gave some insight into this man with a mad scientist's facade, but I wouldn't let it affect me. Probably I shrugged it off in my leather jacket manner. There were many peculiar aspects to him. The entire movie Alien had been absorbed by me in bits and pieces. When he wasn't lurking and accusing he was doing a good impression of a piece of furniture in front of the tv, watching this same movie, over and over and over again. What a strange existence that must be.

The first time I met his wife she greeted me with, "I'm catching flies....for my lizard." Well, I took it as a greeting. I never saw the lizard but she was chasing flies never the less. Once, the story goes, she dropped her glasses into the lake, and purchased scuba gear to go find them, and she did too.

I hesitate to call him a friend, but this was his home, and these were his parents. Having seen the genetics involved in his creation nothing about him should have surprised me. For now, let's call him Shaved One Eyebrow (henceforth to be referred to as SOE)

It isn't clear how I knew him or even why, but he notched my brain and marked himself a permanent spot in my memory. I hadn't even noticed it happening. Looking at him, you probably wouldn't remember him. He was....unassuming. In fact I only have the vaguest of images of what he actually looked like. It's just the idea of him that stuck. Yet, there was an odd air about him, perhaps he had shaved an eyebrow, or bent his eyeglasses so that one of the lenses was vertical. Or maybe he showed up at your house with a gun and a knapsack filled with clips and matches and fireworks. Yeah, we had to handcuff him to a tree out in the yard that day.

There really isn't much more to say about him right now, but he'll return. I would have thought him gone by now, but he came back to me today, as I was sitting...ahem...on the pot.

i had started this with good intentions............
i was going to scrap it but then he does make an appearance, though brief, in my next post.


sk8rn said…
What an interesting character portrait. I'm definitely curious to hear more. And I am *highly amused* that you thought of him while sitting on the pot. ;-)
Mr Anigans said…
yeah....i felt a little weird about it.

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