linky link links

first off....go here...and vote for my sister's band....The Flying Club.
ok then go here to hear my friend recite some poetry. umm...i'm not sure how it works...but it will be up on Sun.

ok now go on and play with some links

i can't believe you can buy this on amazon.
jesus bling!
this is pretty cool right here. a solar death ray!
if you've ever wanted to pet a llama....well....
weird game where you're a girl with a pair of legs coming out of your ass. (nudity)
cool two player shooter game.
i may have linked this before....condiment collection
this guy is selling a wallet made out of duct tape
Long Duck Dong!
what is up with these ducks?
dirty origami
i'll never be a sniper...sigh
this is ..... i dunno ....amazing? (NUDITY)
no wait, this is amazing!! (BRUCE LEE!)
addicting bubble popping game
i think this is a game....
some ggg-gmail...
this is pretty cool....wish i knew what was going on
again....what?! case it's know?
sin city game
another game...beat up peasants for tax money
here's some bubble wrap
Oh My God!
haunted places in america

that should keep you busy for a while...


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