
originally, there was to be the next bit of story concerning 'split rock'. but i haven't constructed it yet.
so i would like to direct you to two other things of interest instead.

firstly, i've added a link to the left. but you can just click here if you like.

secondly, here's a bit of news, in case you missed it.

we may return to our regularly scheduled program. or maybe not.

also please go end get some hot zombie action over here. he's got links to former strippers.


Big Dog said…
thank you for your comment. Today I was contacted by the Daily Telagraph and asked to remove all reference to their illicit letter gathering techniques. I have been censored by the british free press. I feel proud. You still writing music?
Mr Anigans said…
hello, i keep thinking i'm going to write some music. but really i'm not. my creativity seems blocked. also, my sound card is pissing me off.

soon, i will soon. reality has been harshing on me. cubicles are constricting.
Reeva M said…
Hi nice reading your bloog

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