friggin' towels!!!

indescribably tired and cold. which apparently isn't a word.
i think i mentioned some time ago about my house hauntings. it's been some time since it's woken me up with it's curiousity. though i have noticed that if i haven't gone past REM by 4:00 or 5:00 am, it will wake my ass up. for those of you who know, i found another towel. this makes 4 mystery towels.
i don't know if anyone has ever heard of this kind of business. because i haven't. unless my roommate is fucking with me (though i don't believe he is), i cannot explain why we have had so many towels just show up. 3 of the 4 towels were either draped on my amp, laid across my classical guitar case or stuffed with my other guitars upstairs. we did a quick search around the house. there are now a total of 11 towels here. 7 of these are accounted for (this includes the ones that previously appeared) which means there have been three towels in our bathroom just hanging there that we all thought belonged to one another. i do not get this at all. if anyone has a legitimate explanation for this....well....i'll be glad to hear it.


until you've experienced it, there is no real way to describe the chilling feeling of being yanked from deep within slumber into absolute terror. there is no sifting through dreams, simply a sudden awareness that you no longer have control of your body. the pores on your skin clamp shut so quickly there is an almost audible pop. i really don't know if there are nerves that exist solely to make you're skin feeling as if it is trying to find a new place to live.

the first time i ever experienced this was when i was about 15. i still get shivers when i think about it. my immediate reaction was to reach out towards the pull cord on the lamp next to my bed. however, my arm had decided that it didn't want to leave the safety of fetal position.
i used to keep a boombox in my bed against the wall. slapping it quickly i turned on the radio. music has always had a soothing effect on me, so i thought it might bring me back down. maybe it did, because about 30 minutes later i was able to reach out and turn the light on. this was an obvious mistake. everything was extremely clear, and i noticed that nothing in my room was out of place, which made the sensation that much more difficult to cope with. my instinctual thought was that the devil was standing about 4 feet from the door to my room watching me. the impression was strong. STRONG. now, i've never been brought up with any sort of religion, and i can't really say it was the devil because i don't believe in it, but it was malignant and it was threatening and it was watching me. this is what i felt, my mind told me that it was impossible, my eyes told me nothing was there, but i felt it.

after cowering for another hour or so i realized that if i didn't get up, there was going to be an embarassed me trying to explain how i wet myself. the feeling had subsided and i felt confident that i could make it to the bathroom and back intact. this was mistake number three. my house is set up that from the living room there was a stairway leading to the hall which ended right at the door to my room. at the top of the stairs to the left was the bathroom. i walked from my room to the stairs and was about to turn into the bathroom when i saw someone moving in the living room. i SAW someone, in white. i don't know who i thought it was or why i needed to turn the light on. the end result was me cowering under my sheets again until the sun came up. it might have been the only time i had ever left to get to school early.

that morning, i saw my best friend and before i could tell him my near bed wetting experience, he told me that he had woken up around 2:30 am* and apparently threw up all over himself and fell right back asleep again. that's odd, i thought, that's about when i woke up. so i told him so. later that day, one of the girls i had been close to told me that her dad had been pounding on her door around 2:30 am* because she was screaming at the top of her lungs in her sleep. she had no idea. so i told what happened to me. later still another girl i was close to told me that she had woken up at 2:30 am* and screamed as well. then another friend told me that he woke up and threw up all over his bed at ....yup, 2:30 am*. the odd thing is that they didn't all know each other. in fact, only one of them even knew any of the others.

i've since lost touch with all of these people, but if you were to meet them and ask them, they will all remember this night. and not a single one of us has ever been able to explain it at all.

(i have suspicions that the time was actually 2:22am as this number has been haunting me all my life)


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