some time ago i had posted about a little problem i had with rodents invading my domicile. i may have mentioned the fact that they loved shitting in the silverware drawer. well, they're back and they brought some extra bowels with them this time.

i may have also mentioned at some point that i got a new job which i start next monday. today began the first of the farewells at my current job. it turns out that even though the present job burns the joy out of my life, it is more difficult to leave than i thought. there are certainly going to be people i'm going to miss. but then the demon on wheels came and reminded me why it was i wanted to escape. for those of you who don't know. she is about 2 feet tall, but her ass, tits and hands are normal sized. her personality is like the inside of a public restroom. and she molested me. ach!

my car is now fixed.....again. i've renamed her Target. pronounced Tar-zhay. (phonetics provided by SharkLikeAFox. any difficulties should be brought to her attention.) coming home from the shop with my new bumper was an odd experiment in paranoia. i kept thinking everyone was trying to hit me. very odd. is this post-traumatic stress syndrome?

so here are some pictures....where is this?

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