in my search for a taste of bliss, i've encountered many an idea. i painted with dreams, blurred reality in escape, laughed aloud in quiet cruelty. even ignorance played my game. can you impose ignorance? can you regain it? toss knowledge out the car window on the Parkway? i would like to bottle it and sell it on the black market for a quarter oz. of bliss. or isn't it true?

ignorance has a reputation. it comes with baggage and to court with it is to accept and deal with it's history. or perhaps not. perhaps it simply becomes. i don't know if i am ignorant. i suspect not, as i have a tendency to dissect, in all it's minutia, every moment of every event in time or life that passes before me and how it plays upon/preys upon me. but then...maybe i'm too wrapped up in the me to see.

concepts like love also share this aspect with ignorance. and i tapped out a rhythm to it's melody, believing. it is noble in character but it isn't what we think and it's power is deceiving. what we know of love is a societal breath, fleeting. societal.

we are social creatures, you and i. in this moment we are sharing. in this moment we are questioning. if i don't appeal in some way, if i represent ideas you disagree with, if i spend too many words, you will continue to pass on by. or maybe the opposite is true and you might leave me a comment/interact (please do, my ego needs bliss as well). as social creatures we abide by rules which dictate what may or may not be acceptable. ethics, morals, ideals. in time they become rote, we believe in ideas without knowing why. love will conquer all, follow your dreams, look out for number one, the ends justify the means, ignorance is bliss.

so maybe ignorance is bliss, and maybe what i thought was bliss is something else altogether. maybe this is all for naught. maybe.

here's a spine.
calvin and hobbes were kings
for the skull collectors
david hasselhoff is the antichrist
feral children
game with a ball.
what lazy twat can't be bothered with licking his own ice-cream.


{illyria} said…
that is probably one of the most decent philosophies i've read on a monday. nearing 5 pm (gmt+8), even. and yes, i'm told narcissism can be ignorance, too.
L said…
ignorance IS bliss, unfortunately

(those snow sculptures in the last link were amazing!)

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