Bad math and towels

after some consideration on the matter, i've decided that there should be a prerequisite of simple mathmatics for anyone who has a job handling money. for example, say i go to White Castle to get me some burgers. and say i use the drive-thru. if my total comes to $4.94 and i give $10.19 (so i can get a quarter back for laundry purposes) this shouldn't create a problem. i actually watched this guy look at the change, for no less than 45 seconds, give up on it and drop the change back down and reach into the till for a $5 bill and 3 pennies. those of you with a solid background in arithmetic may have already noticed that $5.03 + $4.94 does not equal $10.19. any who didn't get this....well....i forgive you because you don't a register to help you. i didn't bother with the short change cuz i really don't care, could this guy not be able to figure that out?

on a completely different note.....a strange towel showed up yesterday. for those of you who are in the know, this makes 3 towels so far. the one greyish towel that showed up on my amp one day, the brown towel that showed up in the living room, and now a slightly damp dark blue towel with bleach spots perfectly laid out on my guitar case. now....the fact that it was damp...well...that just freaks the shit out of me. i have never heard of this phenomenon before....EVER..... what the hell is going on? did someone break in and take a shower and leave me a damp towel? the towel does not belong to either of my roommates nor to me....all of our towels are accounted for. all the towels that anyone has brought over is accounted for. even the previous towels that showed up were accounted for.

yeah....i'm freaked.


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