Fumbling with emotions that don't exist.

i've just been chastized by a cigarette company via e-mail for being impatient. then they apoligized for the delay. what is this i'm feeling?

another example.... i was named employee of the month yesterday (i didn't even know we had employees of the month, let alone that there were others or that i could even be one.) then today i was "talked to" twice about eating a cinnamon bun off the clock. what is this?

i think i'm confused.....is confusion an emotion? if not....what purpose could it serve? is it some weird survival instinct passed down genetically from some primordial being?

answers!! i need answers damnit!

by the way....is this color really blinding?


Sara said…
Hey, I was Employee of the Month at Borders once. Actually, maybe it wasn't Employee of the Month, but it was some sort of your doing a great job here award, for which I received a certificate and a pin. It's in the attic now.
Mr Anigans said…
mine's very close to a trash can.
cupcake said…
Did Marty give you a hug?
Mr Anigans said…
no, but apparently i get to have lunch with him.
kim said…
i've never heard of employee of the moth. lunch with martu? jesus christ.....

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