This Title isn't going to tell you a thing about this post.

sifting through the derelict portions of my mind, i had come across a memory. now i'm not entirely sure how to spell it, but i had an image in my head, even a texture, and a sense of discomfort, all having to do with the fact my parents made me wear leider hausen (sp?). that's right, it was while i was eating my first ever brisquet that this dormant tragedy first appeared. something for those of you who know me to mull over. for those of you who don't, just trust me when i say that i'm very obviously not german. (though not an impossibilty i suppose)

this sudden appearance makes me wonder now, if there are other such things hidden away in the dark creases beneath my dome piece. and if so, how to dredge them out for the humble purpose of enteraining you, the reader.

here's another one as an example, years ago, when i was but a wee lad, i apparently stopped everyday, on the way home from the bus-stop after school, at a tree in front of this one house (i do remember beer cans on the lawn....though at the time i didn't even know the concept of beer was even possible let alone the potentials behind such a thing. so this is a memory of a memory i had when i learned about beer and remembered what i saw and connected the two, and inserted rather lengthily into the middle of a sentence.....just to create a feeling of suspense.) where i would relieve myself.

the truth is that i don't actually remember this, i just remember my parents telling me about it years later. they'd recieved complaints that their kid was peeing on their tree. though i never heard about it so maybe my parents thought it was funny.

one more for father used to lead a choir of some sort....not really sure where or how or if this is even true....and he would sing. and boy did i not like it. once while he was singing i started crying and screaming "shut up!!! shut up!!!" i remember this feeling of absolute horror at what was happening and wanted it to end. it wasn't until a decade and half later that i realized he had been recording himself that day. i found the tape. yep, that's me on backing vocals.

ok, now tell me....what the fuck are memories? how do neutrons, protons, electrons form together to create atoms that come together to form molecules, that connect into cells, into tissues, into me, into thought, into memory? how does the tangible manage to produce an intangible effect and then record it so that while eating a brisquet i would suddenly think of leider hausen (again sorry to any germans for butchering your tongue.)

reeling, i tell you, reeling.

ok....go watch Coffee and Cigarettes


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