Zombies and Screwing

me, smoking foreign cigarettes, drinking an odd mixture of limeade and sprite, fingers numb from funking, belly full of ribs, yep.....

on the way back from the movie tonight i happened to look up and see a fiery object fizzle away into the night sky. i've seen comets and shooting star and this didn't look like it. at first i thought it was a plane or something. eh...who knows....maybe it was aliens.

you know, looking around my room right now, i noticed that i have cd's piled up everywhere, several books with bookmarks in them scattered about, snacks in several places, and screwdrivers. what do you suppose this says about me? the answer to all of this is probably obvious. except for the screwdrivers part, i don't think i ever realized that aspect of my personality. next time someone asks me what my interests are i'll have to mention screwing.

addendum- i dunno if this has anything to do with it but check this out.

go see shaun of the dead.


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