Hungry for worlds and special 'k'

so.....not to jinx anything for her, but i just found out that my sister's old band is going to be on a cd comp put out by none other than Jimmy of Jimmy Eat World fame. first the Vince Neil porn thing, now this. all i've got is a trailer from a cheesy 'B' movie (more like 'L') kudos to her of course. just the green eye speaking here.

for those of you counting (of the three or four people who see this) that's two porn references so far, two pig references, one panda, and monkeys.

by the way....does anyone else seeing the secret letter 'k' at the bottom of the screen or is it just me?

hmmm.....i think it was just me....cuz it's gone now.


kim said…
Your sister was in porn? Wow.
Mr Anigans said…
no, just her music....but it was Vince Neil's (the singer from Motley Crue)softcore porn.

otherwise that would be a little weird that i knew that and posted it.

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