Blog of eternal stench

Apparently it's time for me to immerse myself into the world of blogs. Something about the word 'blog' has kept me from the experience, but here I am now. I was just finishing a nutritious dinner of split pea soup and creating a web page in which to house various monkey photos when I was struck by the idea. Why bother with looking for a web host? Why not just throw some monkey photos on a blog?
hmmm......why? cuz it won't let me upload any pictures.
Someone just ran over a skunk outside and boy does it stink.


kim said…
Why don't you have a page full of monkey photos? Because you don't want Adam on your website 24 hours a day with his hand down his pants!
kim said…
Why not make a webpage full of monkey photos? Because you don't want Adam on it 24 hours a day with his hand down his pants!
Mr Anigans said…'s an image i didn't like.
Mr Anigans said… there's an image i didn't like at all.

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