ahhh....memories.....good times....good times....

today i have decided to begin telling you about some of my past living experiences. at one point in time i was living with my band Lumous. (actually just the bassist and other guitarist) there were a total of 6 people living there plus a basset hound. the house was one of the oldest most decrepit houses i have ever seen. plus it was haunted. however it suit our finances and loud music making needs since we were on the highway. oftentimes we would pull out some chairs and sit by the fence waving to and laughing at people stuck in rushhour traffic. the house itself was huge (it used to be an old stage house) and painted an ugly yellow. there was a dandelion on the side of the house that was taller than i was. many were the nights where we huddled around the fridge and ate BJ Wholesale meatballs on cheez-its for dinner. the basset hound would gnaw on the refridgerator cord. (he actually chewed through it...twice. it was still plugged in when we came home with the broken cord just sticking out. we have no idea why the basset hound was alive. stupid dog) other than my band we had a stoner that lived in the corner who once had a page long section in his resume labeled "other endeavors" which included hiking the appalacians. he also cracked the bar floor with his head. many were the times we had to check on him and found him lying face down spread eagle butt-naked in the center of his room, nowhere near his bed. also we had a guy who spent more time shaving his body hair and flexing than he did anything else. well maybe anything else. he insisted that girls only liked guys with big muscles. (he may still be a virgin today) other than that, he had a large stack of porno mags under his mattress that made a noticable hump. this is probably the first time i've thought of him since we moved. did i mention that the house was huge? each room was done up differently. the kitchen had this awful 70's look to it. daisy chandelier, lattice on the green wall. awful. there were stairs here that led to the ceiling. the door in the ceiling led to my room. the living room was enormous. at a party we threw once, people were crowd surfing here. we never met the landlord and he always called from a payphone in another state.
now the house being haunted made it easy for a decision to throw a disgusting halloween party. i think they make movies about parties like this. no one was allowed in without a costume. we had four live bands playing until 5:00am. the cab company knew about our party at least a week before it happened. (we don't have a clue how that happened. but they made a shitload of money that night because there were at least 28 cars on our lawn and up and down the street.) i figure somewhere between 300 and 400 showed up. we kicked 8 barrels of beer and most of another. (this didn't include beverages that people brought or hard liquor) there was some guy i saw fall down a flight of stairs twice and all he said all night long was "brains.....brains" some girl who took off her clothes was climbing onto the drum kit. at some point during the night a new event was created....pumpkin punching, which took place in the kitchen. we lost the kitchen that night. here's a close up so you can feel like you were there.
one weekend i went away. when i came back there was a girl named Eddi living there. she moved into the room that we never hung out in (there were many ghost sightings in this room. it was also the room that angry guy killed a rat by giving it a heart attack, screamin' like a little girl) she was kind of cute in a claymation character kind of way. her boyfriend looked a lot like me. weird. she disappeared the same way. i still don't know who knew her.
oh and the preservation society used to sneak into the house and take notes. jerks.


Number Mouth said…
Well Shin, I see your hound, I listened to Lumous, I saw some fancy pictures of you and your pals but nothing, and I mean NOTHING prepared me for the joy that was your kitchen. That was amazing. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit but only because it was so emotionally trying for me to hold back the whoops and hollers the photo demanded of me. I would have let loose but the people in my house are in bed. Otherwise, many strains of the Hallelujah Chorus would have been heard from on high...
Laurie said…
The monkey head on your profile is scaring the absolute shit outta me. I hate it. Seriously.
Mr Anigans said…
i think i changed it. (well i did...it's just that the monkey is still there. hmmmm)
not sure if it's much better though.

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