no rest for who?

The other night I had this dream. In this dream I had a dream. The dream within was almost a memory of the night of the haunting that I posted back there somewhere in the archive. I tend to have lucid dreams most of the time. So in my dream I was trying to wake myself up because I knew I was just dreaming that night over again. I would wake up and fall back asleep again, wake up and fall back..... I distinctly remember that in my dream I was lying on my back, in the dream in the dream, I was on my right side again, and the left side of my body was doing the skin dance thing. Even when I woke up in the dream I still felt the crawling on only my left side. In the interior dream I wanted to reach for my cell phone and call someone. In my dream I remembered that at the time of the haunting I didn’t have my phone. However, I had it then. But in reality I also didn’t know where my phone was. Am I talking in circles or is this making sense?
The question I have is, was what I was having a lucid dream?

I sure ate a lot of pork the other day.


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