What's up? My ire.

Manville leaves welts on my soul. the name itself implies badness. 'the man'ville. it has been forcefully brought to my attention that i really don't like white trash, hillbillies or rednecks. particularly ones that get belligerent after THEY have done something foolish. don't blame me for your gene pool. i only slept with yer mom once. the man actually had the gall to tell me he was going to tell on me to his brother. oh....he also had a Bush cap on. go figure.

another note in the same vein. apparently my engrish is not too good, because when i said "hey, can you help me out?" it sounded a lot like, "hey could you pretend to help me out but not really do much of anything, and oh...could you act really arrogant and condescending while you're busy not doing anything?" see. i thought i had mastered the language but...

enough of that. on to other things. pestilence hath layeth the smackdown on me. but i fought the good fight armed with citrusy goodness. this here cold has been dancing around me throwing rabbit punches and i'm sick of it. i've been biding my time waiting for it to cold cock me and lay me out. probably it will catch me unawares in the middle of my time off.

more later.


Number Mouth said…
*gets comfortable waiting for more*
Sara said…
Hey, I too wrote an irate (well, slightly) post in red letters.

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