Arrrr it's drivin' me nuts!

this is another dream i had.

i had this pain growing in the back of my neck which hurt real bad so i had it magically or surgically removed. but later it came back, only this time it was located at the small of my back. twisting a little i could actually see it. it was this weird boney, metal enmeshed protrusion that was just pushing through the skin. it hurt REAL bad, but it gave me access to cable tv.

ps. someone once broke into one of the houses i used to live in and stole the thanksgiving turkey. and that's it. those bastards.


Number Mouth said…
I frequently dream that all my teeth fall out. I once read in a dream interpretation book that I was scared of failure, and it also meant I was a sex addict. Go figure.
Mr Anigans said…
i have that dream too. actually usually only one or two fall out. so....i'm only a little afraid of failure.
Number Mouth said…
hehehe, well then, you will go far my friend...
Anonymous said…
I thought it was deli turkey

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