Nationalist = terlit? brother told me today that he happened to surf into a 'white power' blog. something like "" but not quite cuz ....well it wasn't there.
i took it upon myself to go hunting. part of me wanted to see who he voted for. i have my suspicions.
anyway, i couldn't find this site anywhere. i googled with terms like "racial purity" "white supremacy" "south will rise". i even mis-spelled them, thinking that they might not be too bright. no luck. i did however find a million religious sites. make of that what you will.
and i did find this.
now...before you go there be forewarned that it is indeed a "white nationalist" site. i'm sure their looking at their hit counter and thinking "see...this is much more prevelant than we thought" or maybe "we gawn git those fuckers good. ayup." not realizing that a significant portion of those hits are probably people like me looking for something to laugh at. some of the forum comments are pretty good, like "what about our rights?" oh yeah, there's also a link in case you need some swastika hand soaps. cleanse yerself with soapy white goodness.
oh and a link to some David Duke thing.

i also found this
and this


Number Mouth said…
you tease me with this "terlit" talk. Your cruelty has not gone unnoticed, my friend...not at all...
Mr Anigans said…
jeremy- kinda like when they discovered the 'granny' porn on my computer.

alli- i do it out of love.
Number Mouth said…

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