it's much too late for me to be sitting here typing this

years ago, when i was a wee lad, we had the idea of throwing a Depends party and locking off the bathroom. this idea was tossed because, drunk guys in diapers lead to bad things on your couch. also, no girls liked the idea and who wants a sausage party? another idea that never happened was to fill a room with air conditioners and jello and float a keg in it, like a big metallic slice of banana, with a tap. course you would have to eat your way to the keg. and well....that's a lot of jello to eat.

tomorrow...more good ideas that i never did.


Number Mouth said…
I don't get it
glomgold said…
Hey, you got the Navbar fixed? Things look good except my eyes ache from reading the fine print. That counter does suck though...
Sara said…
I like it too, and I concur about the fine print. I'm striving to be glomgold mini. I have no original thoughts.
Number Mouth said…
I'd totally comment on here but I'm only a mere mortal and I cannot read what you've written. I'm lucky to have found the comment bar. I'm sorry to report that my ninja night vision skills are lacking in this area, otherwise, I'd read all your posts and comment accordingly.

Mr Anigans said…
Alli- what don't you get? why i posted it? why these ideas occurred? or didn't occur? should get up to speed on your ninja skills or else how will we skulk together in the dark for nefarious purposes?

Glomgold- you're not the richest duck in duckburg are you? the nav-bar issue was with a different template that is lying in wait to jump out and assault all of you.

Sara- the above statements but... from across the room.

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