make the pain go away....

if i may be permitted i would like to dip into the psychic whirlpool again and splash you with it's effluence. it says here in good ole Soren's diabolical treatise, "The self is a relation that relates itself to itself or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation's relating itself to itself."

he strengthens this argument with, "In the relation between two, the relation is the third as a negative unity, and the two relate to the relation and in the relation to the relation; thus under the qualifications of the psychical the relation between the psychical and the physical is a relation. If, however, the relation relates itself to itself, this relation is the positive third, and this is the self."

further more "If the relation that relates itself to itself has been established by another, then the relation is indeed the third, but this relation, the third, is yet again a relation and relates itself to that which established the entire relation."

what does this all mean? simple, kierkegaard was a twisted sadist of the mind. and apparently i'm a masochist. i've highlighted what he said in red to represent pain.

if i read through this damned book i better end up with an IQ equivalent to the population of the entire eastern seaboard.

i'm gonna go play with some slime now.


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