there's nothing i like more than sitting around on my day off waiting for a theoretical plumber. with no water with which to cleanse myself. do dog's have taste buds? cuz i don't think i could lick myself clean, were i that flexible.
this thing has been fuckin' with me. he wants to fill his pool with rubber ducks looking for a date? walmart has the answer he drove his car into the dmv. that's right...into...and then renewed his license i guess this is cool... .extreme hacky sacking ... here.... tickle this girl they must know....right? if you're at work....close the door dick and jane pigtail and a video of as many japanese girls as possible trying to fit into a phone booth.....nekkid and seriously, what is up with injecting liquids into penises? why is that even an idea? hey, i had no idea half of those music links on the left were dead. how come you didn't tell me? ok i put some new ones up