the topic is porn

once i asked a girl i was dating what she thought of porn. she was quite accepting of it. in fact she had me go buy some for her. however, she said porn was ok...but only up to a certain point. apparently there is a limit to how much porn you can view before it becomes unacceptable or perverse. i asked another girl and her response was pretty similar. in fact...three out of four girls i dated (that i asked this) all agreed. porn is fine, but once you get to a certain's gross.

now...i'm not sure how this works...i'm also not sure where the line is. so...that's my question....where, if any is this line?

a friend i have used to work for a local chain of cd/dvd stores. he had discounts on all the merchandise. one day his barber discovered that he had discounts. so he requested some porn. the exchange was made and he liked the service so much he order some more. this time a few different titles. it actually got to a point where this guy was spending thousands of dollars on this dvd porn. he must have chafed himself silly. i'm assuming this is an unacceptable amount of porn.

also, i have a friend who hung out with Seymore Butts.


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