Part .5

it's been several weeks now since i've had nicotine in my system. i can feel the body deteriorating as the structure collapses with lacking. approximately two decades have passed since i started the tar/lung amalgamation project and now my breathing sacs are crying drippy tears of loss which i am launching from my body at remarkable speeds. also...i'm running out of vices.

rife with coincidences, my life is. just the other night i uploaded a song called "Barry 7's Contraption" by Add N To (X). now...i've not met anyone who's even heard of this group and yet, the recipient of my music just happened to be listening to that song. what are the odds?
the other day, when i got the 'sign of the beast' via dave thomas...i encountered that number no less than 4 times that day. the two on the receipt, one was a dvd title that can only be watched in south america and once more on one of my newly owned episodes of Millenium. this episode also mentioned something about futurists, which i also discovered was the title of robert downey jr.'s new album. since i had only just discovered this word two days seemed odd to me.

my life has always been like this. i know there are those that say there are no such things as coincidences. rubbish....they may be more than just coincidences but they are none-the-less. these are probably the ones who say that God doesn't give you more than you can handle. which is also rubbish....otherwise we wouldn't have the word 'suicide' in our language.

when i was younger, i would sometimes have dreams of places or people and then meet them later on in life. it hasn't happened in 15 years or so and i've yet to find a satisfactory explanation for this. lately i've taken to blurting out names of people at random for no reason, and they will show up later on that day. these are usually people i haven't seen in years or people i never would think of. there are a couple of friends who have witnessed this around me. for example, i've mentioned and alluded to certain events surrounding myself and a girl i knew named Pam. (i'll tell you the story soon) it was a significant part of my life though deep in the past now. it's been about a dozen years since it happened, but i've always wondered what happened to her. a few months ago i met a girl who happened to be a part-time private eye. she has sources i'm not privy to that help her find people. so i asked her if she could find out about Pam for me. i hadn't thought of her (or her parents, the ones who had me arrested because they were insane) so when her parents showed up in my life that week i kind of freaked a bit. by the way, she, Pam, has disappeared. she has no bills in her name, she hasn't died, she hasn't been married, she has no driver's license etc....she has no traceable history since 1996.


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