so as i was typing up that last post (below), i had some memories that i thought i'd share.

we'll begin this story with my friend B. Aside from her sweater stretching breasts, she was an extremely attractive girl that used to loiter around during band practice yelling encouraging things about our discouraging music. every so often she would throw parties at her house. little parties, not much more than a gathering really. i met her mom several times and never really thought much about her playing with my hair (a lot of people did that). i'll return to this later.
the house they lived in was haunted. and although B's mom M was the only one who ever saw it, noone doubted it at all. M wouldn't talk about it but B explained to me. once her family had left on a vacation, M was the only one who stayed home. one night she was awoken (awakened?) to find, staring at her through the bars at the foot of her bed, a young girl with tubes coming out of her nose. freaking out properly she threw a pillow at it and screamed for it to 'get the fuck out!' it vanished briefly , then proceeded to shake the bed vigorously.
another interesting tidbit, one morning around 7:00am, B called me up because she was concerned. M had left at a quarter to midnight to go buy some of the wacky tabacky with a friend. they were supposed to return within the hour, but by the time B called still hadn't returned. turns out she had bought 4 dimebags and was slapped down by the long arm of the law. they held her on intent to sell.
here's the kicker, M would smoke up B, but B's dad J, never knew that either of them partook. weird right?
more weird was that one summer, M and J had an serious fight. serious enough for M to leave. she disappeared for the better part of the year, but returned. three years later, B called me up to tell me that M and J got into another fight. this time M screamed for a divorce. J told her that he had divorced her the first time she left. apparently he didn't feel it necessary to let anyone else in on this. so for three years she lived there and didn't know.
one night, B called up, several friends were going to go visit M in her new home. i drove most of us there. as we entered the house, M came straight to me and said, "do you have a smoke?" i handed her a cigarette and she leaned in and whispered, "you can have me tonight." whew....M was a relatively attractive lady (though i saw her 5 or 6 years later and time and life had both manhandled her). all night long she got everyone more and more intoxicated and all night long she kept telling me i could stay the night. i don't know if B ever knew about this. and i don't know if M tried to hook up with any of her other friends. i left that night without sampling her wares thinking it would queer the friendship i had with B plus, if i stayed, everyone stayed since i drove them. i suppose i could have always gone back. but i didn't.

by the way, i snuck a bunch of links into this and the post below.


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