the sickness unto death

will someone please go back in time and slap mr soren kierkegaard upside the head? what nerve to go and use a sentence, such as the following, in not only his book but is in fact within the very first paragraph of the preface of said book, while speaking in circles, obfuscates the issue and also denigrates the value of language as a tool for communication. and here it is..."It is precisely Christianity's relation to life (in contrast to a scholarly distance from life) or the ethical aspect of Christianity that is upbuilding, and the mode of presentation, however rigorous it may be otherwise, is completely different, qualitatively different, from the kind of scienticity and scholarliness that is "indifferent," whose lofty heroism is so far, Christianly, from being heroism that, Christianly, it is a kind of inhuman curiousity." what a prick! i'll bet the whole stinkin' book reeks of this nonsense. and i'm just the kind of jerk that's gonna go ahead and read it anyway.



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