here.....something to do.

here...check out the skeletons of cartoon characters.
some pretty sick ass stick fighting videos.
this guy actually spends way too much time on this.
here's a game that's a lot like breakout but more porn.
for those of you that have seen the 30 sec bunny flash movies, here's It's A Wonderful Life.
this is either good or it sucks....too bad my volume is fucked again.
a dictionary that uses limericks for definitions.
this is some fancy dancin'. wait till the mix it up. (why is this at
OMG.....don't look here!

hopefully these will be around for a bit.
go to e-bay, read the description. anyone snubbed on a christmas bonus will approve.
also, check out the feedback from this guy.
the world is sinking into oblivion.


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