am i narcissistic?

some years back i had a girlfriend and with this said girlfriend i often went out to eat, frolic, throw feces at know, couple stuff. at a certain Subway one day the guy behind the counter knew me (i never met him before) and some of my friends and so felt he should tell me all sorts of secret personal things about himself while making my sandwich. in all honesty i don't think i listened to him at all because i was busy keeping my stomach from digesting itself. as we left my lady turned to me and said, "i guess i'll have to get used to this."
"get used to what?" asks i.
"everytime we go out, someone has to come up and talk to you."
i had to think about it for a moment, but came to the conclusion that she was right. this was probably when i began to notice this tendency in people in relation to me. it made sense i suppose. i was in a band that was somewhat popular locally. i didn't look or act like most chinese people (ie. hair down past my ass) so i stood out and the white people who had similar characteristics were well....white. so i guess i stood out or was memorable or something. but that still doesn't explain the strangers who approach me and talk to me. for example here, and here and here and also here
other examples....

1) the strange hungarian guy with the dog named Power...i've forgotten his name, probably because i couldn't pronounce it. he came up to me as i was playing my guitar on the sidewalk and introduced me to his dog. then offered me a sandwich. walking over to his van he proceeded to construct one on the spot from ingredients in various pieces of tupperware. it was a hollowed out roll (which species i couldn't tell) which was then filled with some kind of cream sauce with a large piece of red pepper laid across the top. he handed it to me and left. i never saw him again. but it was a really good sandwich.

2) one time as i was walking down the darkened streets of New Brunswick with a different girlfriend an old man walked up to me and said, "you have more hair on your chin than i have on my head. you must know people." with this cryptic line he wandered away again. she also wondered why people always came up and said things to me.

3) a fellow student (the hispanic variety) came up to me and told me i had really nice teeth. he thought i should be in a movie because of my nice teeth. i never spoke to him again.

i have to stop now because i could go on for the rest of the week accounting these things. but it's late and i should be sleeping....but i'm not and i'm pissed about it.

also, i had a friend once who was a victim of the only drive-by punching i've ever heard of.


aprilbapryll said…
shin shin cheri, i like this format much better. those giant blocks of green made my eyes swim. and my eyes aren't used to swimming without the rest of me being in water.
i am one of those people who randomly talk to people. on buses, in lines, in stores ... i evesdrop continuously (this has to do with my hearing problem -- i have a hard time focusing on one sound and tend to hear the fan and the conversation at the next table more than whomever is speaking to me) and when i think i have something constructive to contribute to the other people's convo i usually butt in. but i'm quiet about it and people think i'm cute so it's never a problem.
those red panties are indeed adorable. your boyfriend will love them.yes, the dude is late. i've been waiting for a half an hour.
Number Mouth said…
This happens to me EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERE! It takes me 25 minutes to just deposit money because the bank people start telling me about this and that and yeah...i feel ya bro
Mr Anigans said…
frog princess- but have you ever introduced yourself as "The Iceman"? i got that once.

alli- i'm glad i'm not the only one. my sister get's it too...flagged down by old men on the highway.
RuKsaK said…
I get noticed once every 8 years and 75% of those are drunk and want to beat me up.

I've never been given a free sandwich by a Hungarian and am jealous.
Anonymous said…
Dogs liked you as well, remember Petey?
Mr Anigans said…
it was a good sandwich.

i remember petey, the dog was 1/3 penis.

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