Sausage Saga pt.1

allergies are the bane of my existence. it created a contentious living situation between my father and i. i wanted the misery to end via injections of magic elixer. he wanted to not spend money and have me just "get used to it".
jersey air is ripe with pollen and dust mites and pollutants to rupture sinuses with. it wasn't until i moved onto higher learning that he began to see my way. and this only because i skipped a class because my eyes were swollen into melon sized orbs that knocked people over in the streets. his reaction was to yell "why didn't you get allergy shots?!?!" to which i responded "What?!? Gah!!!"

i suppose he might have felt some guilt about it because later he came down into the rec room with one of those pre-packaged sausages in each hand.
"pick one," suggested he. and so i did.
turning he walked back upstairs and muttered...."i'm going to send the other one to your brother."
i assume this was his method of peace making. but i couldn't help were in the grocery store and saw some sausages and this made you think of your sons?

my brother never did get his sausage.

to be continued......

ps. exhaustion gives me piles.


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