i got nothing

i used to know this guy named Alex. for some reason whenever i left the state i would run into him. really, in seattle....in new orleans....
he could never stay put for long...every few monthes he needed to hop on his bike and go to places unknown. last time i saw him he told me of a friend of his in canada that lived in a cave. he lived in a cave and he kept another cave for his chickens.

i don't know why i thought of him today or why i remembered the chicken cave...but there you have it.

i'm pretty sure i had something profound and wise to share with you all but it seems to have left completely. so instead i will tell you that i learned today that when flushing the toilet, it is possible for tiny bits of feces to launch up to 6 feet away. (i've never seen this but then again....microscopic poop is sure to be around somewhere.)
while we're on th topic. what exactly is smell? when you smell an odor, is it some kind of molecule in the air? for example, you can smell pizza. the fragrant aroma of cheese melted over tomato sauce on a thin crust...yumm....so is that some kind of pizza molecule that floats up, out and into my sinuses? and if that's the case...when someone farts...does that mean a tiny piece of their ass is now lodged deep in my cranium?


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