Pasties ,Pompadores and Punks

as long as the music is loud enough and fast enough there will be a pit. and if there is a pit there may be some crowd surfing. there may even be stage diving or speaker diving.
in the pit i have seen people just throwing punches, jumping into each other, throwing each other around. sometimes you see people dancing (ie. "picking up change" "gorilla stance" "high stepping" and some newer ones i probably don't know. my friends and i used to make them up, like "starting the lawn mower" "mopping the floor" "churning butter") but until tonight, i have never seen anyone doing "the twist" in the pit.
boy did i feel old tonight. it wasn't so much that the music was loud, it wasn't that i don't dress punk or hardcore or metal or goth anymore, it wasn't that i was taller than most of the people there. it was the fact that things stopped making sense. now, i know that rockabilly or psychobilly are relatively underground and it does have a somewhat retro feel to it, plus there is an aspect of punk, goth, mod or what have you. but what the fuck??!!? there was a girl dressed up like a chef, apron, hat, spatula, the works. what the fuck is that? is that cool? do the kids dig that? does the fact i said "do the kids dig that" make me old?
the show was cool...i missed the first two bands but i did get to see the Brimstones and Hunchback. very cool. and The Red Hots Burlesque show. also very cool. although, this is the first burlesque show i've been to, and it was an all ages show and well....i don't really have a problem with that.


kim said…
was she like a sluttly chef? was she a chef wuth punk accents like hot pink hair, a mohawk, or fishnet tights? i don't think saying "do the kids dig that" makes you old, and i accidentally call u old all the time (but youre not)
Number Mouth said…
I would give many parcels of land to see you "start the lawn mower" or "churn the butter". I have a few dances, one that could be considered "churning the butter" but my most favorites are "sweet the porch" and "clean out the fridge"...

We totally should have a dance-off
Number Mouth said…
that would be "SWEEP the porch"...but now that I think of it, sweet the porch would be cool too.
Mr Anigans said…
do you have parcels of land to give? cuz i'd dance for you if you did.
Mr Anigans said…
she had died black hair and at some point took her shirt off but kept the apron on. kind of a gothy striped stockings kinda look.

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what the f@#k!?!?